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Forum moderator: wolks  
wolksDate: Monday, 2007-11-05, 1:37 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 36
Status: Offline
cool Tagad atbildçðu uz jautâjumiem, kuri mani paðu interesçja un domâju, ka interesçs arî tevi:

1) Jautâjums: vai ðeit tieðâm var nopelnît naudu?

Atbilde: es nezinu. Nekâdas garantijas nedodu. Pats piereìistrçjos, tikai lai vienreiz noskaidrotu vai ar ðâdiem lîdzekïiem var naudu nopelnît. Rezultâtu darîðu visiem zinâmu publicçjot par visu ðo procesu rakstu kâdâ Latvijâ populârâ Web portâlâ.

2) Jautâjums: Kas tad man îsti ir jâdara lai dabûtu naudu?

Atbildi: Ir jâuzinstalç programmiòu, kura nejauki aizòems daïu no tava datora ekrâna (2-3cm augstumâ un visa ekrâna garumâ) un ik pa laikam jâuzmet aci uz jau iepriekð pieminçto cilvçciòu un ja ðis guï jâuzbrauc uz tâ ar peli un ðis atkal sâks staigât.

3) Jautâjums: Kâ dabût naudu?

Atbilde: neko negarantçju, bet tiek apgalvots, ka tad kad ir sakrâts attiecîgais naudas daudzums var pieprasît èeku, kuru uz Latviju nosûtîs aptuveni mçneða laikâ. Pats vçl izmçìinâjis neesmu, jo ðo lietu sâku apskatît tikai pirms kâdas stundas.

4) Jautâjums: Cik âtri tiek skaitîti punkti?

Atbilde: Precîzi nezinu, bet man stundas laikâ ir uzskaitîti jau 566 punkti (1000 punkti ir 1$). Papildus punktus var iegût reìistrçjoties daþâdâs akcijâs, bet es mçìinu no ðîm lietâm izvairîties.

5) Jautâjums: Kâdçï es par ðo stâstu tev?

Atbilde: Tâdçï, ja tu pierakstîsies izmantojot manis doto saiti es saòemðu papildus punktus. Pçc tam, kad bûsi reìistrçjies arî tu varçsi piesaistît cilvçkus par to saòemot punktus.

6) Jautâjums: Ko darît, ja man kaut kas nav skaidrs?

Atbilde:Registrējies ,un sazinies ar mani e-pastaa,vai izmanto viesu graamatu,vai forumu.

Ir vairāki veidi kā var nopelnīt naudu internetā es pieminēšu tikai vienu to kuru es lietoju.

Tātad mums jāiet uz un jāpiereģistrējas. Šajā naudas pelnīšanas veidā tev ir jābūt vismaz 18 gadiem (Tā pieprasa šis naudas pelnīšanas veids ), bet ja tev nav 18 gadu, tad vienkārši samelo un ieraksti ka tev ir 18 gadi.

Uz jūsu e-pastu tiks aizsūtīts links,kur būs jāreģistrējas.

Naudu izmaksā tikai tad ja tev ir nopelnīti vismaz 50 $(Dolāri). Reģistrējoties mums arī vajadzētu norādīt pareizu adresi pretējā gadījumā naudu tu nesaņemsi, jo tur naudu izmaksā izsūtot čeku lai savu naudiņu tu varētu izņemt vienkārši iebāz čeku un pasi kabatā un soļo uz banku un savāc savu nopelnīto naudu!

Man personīgi ir zināmas diezgan daudz metodes kā var nopelnīt naudiņu, bet šī manuprāt ir viss vieglākā lejupielādē no lapas mazu programmiņu ieraksti savu paroli un lietotāja vārdu, un sāc pelnīt.

Protams ne jau ka tu atstāsi savu datoru ieslēgtu visu nakti un nāks nauda neko nedarot tā nebūt nav. Šajā programmā būs josla kas stāvēs tava datora ekrāna augšpusē vai apakšpusē pēc izvēles. Šajā joslā kreisajā pusē būs maz cilvēciņš kuru jāvaktē lai viņš neguļ, bet lēnam ietu uz vietas !

šādi nozīmē ka cilvēciņš guļ un tev neskaita punktus klāt, lai sāktu skaitīt vienkārši uzej uz šī cilvēciņa ar peles kursoru un viņam jāsāk staigāt!
šādi izskatās ka cilvēciņš staigā un skaita klāt tev punktus!

Blakus ir banneri (reklāmas) ja pa reklāmu kādu sāk cilvēciņš skraidīt, tad tev ir jāuzklikšķina ar peles kursoru šim cilvēciņam uz kājām un tad vajadzētu viņam atkal aiziet atpakaļ uz stūrīti un uz vietas staigāt ja tas nenotiek mēģini vēlreiz uzklikšķināt viņam!

uz banneriem vari nespaidīt, tas papildus naudu nedod.

Vēlu veiksmi!!!:v:

Message edited by wolks - Thursday, 2007-11-22, 1:18 PM
mazulisDate: Friday, 2009-01-02, 3:11 PM | Message # 2
Group: Users
Messages: 1
Status: Offline
Sveiks, esmu reģistrējusies, sapratu ka jāsazinās ar Jums, nezinu ko tagad darīt, nav nekaadas skaidrības, man e-mails -, pladies!!!
printermfuDate: Friday, 2009-05-22, 2:21 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 1
Status: Offline
Ура, нашел.. спасибо огромное
free_btcDate: Monday, 2022-01-03, 7:18 AM | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
Hello everyone, my name is Erica, I will tell you how to use blockchain so that you can make money on this system.
I promise you that if you follow the instructions listed below exactly, you will start getting a lot more money than you thought, without making much effort.
Read this a couple of times!!! Follow the instructions and the money will start coming to your wallet. Agree it's simple!!!
It's legal. And your contribution is only 0.006 BTC.
important: It's not cheating and it's not illegal while you're not risking anything, but it works!!!
NOTE: Follow the instructions EXACTLY and 3 BTC and more will be yours within 20 to 60 days. All this works well thanks to the HONESTY of the participants.
Here are the 3 steps to success:
1. If you do not have the same 0.006, then you need to register in a system like blockchain, which is located at: take a good look at this system, how it works, choose the best replenishment option for yourself, deposit 0.006 BTC to your BITCOIN wallet
2. Take the first wallet number from the list below, send 0.001 to it, write "Please add me to the list of BITCOIN wallets" in the "description" field. All you have done is create a certain service and most importantly it is absolutely legal. You are asking for a legitimate service that you are paying for. In other wallets without a note.
Send 0.001 BTC to the following 5 wallets (0.001 BTC each!!!):

1. bc1q28d8rkwyk5vztg2h6rwspr2qy7gyx36s69wzgt
2. bc1qcj7vtk4ly9s8lzlhcu2x2ew8wx4ur6t6260wyk
3. bc1qlhuhfewqn4y6jz9t9yks3t3pnj766xzytqd6mc
5. bc1qvt9vtyvgws6jausgqrsa5l6w4h98jymtududyw
6. bc1qep9xc9hhlt0394suu5u4ed6r8ldy0cn3t3u7yh

Now ATTENTION!!! After sending 0.001 BTC to the 1st wallet, delete IT from this list and move the 2nd wallet to the place of the 1st one that you erased, the 3rd to the place of the 2nd, the 4th to the place of the 3rd, the 5th to the place of the 4th and the 6th to the place of the 5th! And in the sixth number, which turned out to be empty, ENTER the NUMBER of your BTC WALLET. Make whatever changes you want in my article, but just keep the MAIN IDEA!!!So, when you reach the first position, you will be able to get up to 3 or more BTC just as a list creator! It costs 0.001 and quite a trifling job! The main thing is that this feature works and it's great! Do it now - without putting it off for tomorrow!
TIME IS MONEY!!!!!!!! How to distribute information in forums?
1. Open the search engine ,, , and others
2. Write in the search bar the phrase: "forum start a new topic" or "forum
start a new topic work" (without quotes).The search engine will find thousands of pages, links to which immediately lead to MILLIONS of new forum topics. And one more thing: don't be alarmed if suddenly there is already one or more similar ones on the site where you wanted to place your ad. This once again confirms that it is really possible to earn money in the WebMoney system!
In order for the income to really be substantial, you need to send your ad to 200 forums, preferably more. Because only 2.5% can respond. And patience, receipts will begin to go no earlier than a week later and then at 0.001. plus.
3. You can also send this letter to 10 people by mail and then your income will grow guaranteed.And now I'll tell you why you don't actually lose anything anyway, but only win! For example, out of 200 placements, I will receive only 5 responses, i.e. only 2.5% of people will respond (a very, very small and low figure). So, I will get 0.005, being on the 6th position in the list!!! Now these 5 people make 200 placements each MINIMUM with my wallet in the 5th position, and only 5 people answer those first five - this is already 0.025 BTC! Then these 25 people make 200 placements with my wallet already on the 4th line (because they enter their own) and only 5 answer - my income is 0.125 BTC!!!!!!! Now, these 125 people, having posted and received only 5 responses, give me 0.625 BTC of profit (I'm on the 3rd line)! Then it's funnier: these 625 people make at LEAST 200 placements with me on the 2nd line and only 5 people respond, this is already 3.125 BTC! Well, the most interesting thing is that these 3125 people make 200 placements each with my wallet already on the 1st line and only 5 people answer them again, then my income is 15.625 BTC!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that an impressive figure?????!!!!!
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